Monday, August 20, 2012

Choosing a Color Scheme

Many people find it difficult or intimidating to select a color scheme.  One thing I tell my clients when they ask: "Can we do this "?  My answer is usually yes, we won't be breaking any laws, but there are those things called the Principles and Elements of Design.  Much of interior design, fine art, landscaping etc. are the result of the subjective preferences and choices we make. 
In selecting colors and color schemes, most of us are leery of how to start.  There are many methods and opinions, but here is one suggestion I have used.
Go to a paint store and collect the free fold outs that paint companies offer showing their colors in various schemes.  Find one or two that appeal to you, and then modify it.  For example, if some colors are too strong, take that one out and substitute it with something you can live with.  Starting with these pre established schemes can get you started and give you ideas.  This is by no means the only way, but I have used it when clients have no strong ideas or opinions in regards to colors.  Of course, looking at interior pictures can also give you a feeling for what you like and don't like.
Remember that dark / strong / saturated colors usually advance - making a space seem smaller.  Lighter / muted / pastel colors recede - making a space seem larger or longer.
There's been a trend in the last few years to use very strong colors on accent walls.  Very dark colors are hard to cover and not good if you're selling your home. 

Benjamin Moore Affinity Colors

salsa dancing

Monday, August 13, 2012

Four Hands

Four Hands is one of my favorite vendors with a huge inventory of some of the most unique quality home furnishings I have found.  The Austin, Texas based company has only been in existence since 1996, but the evolution of the company has been staggering.

Their products range from new items to antiques found throughout Asia, Mexico, and Central America.  Read the history of the company and you will be amazed. 

As I've said before, knowing where to find exceptional quality and unique home furnishings is one of the most important and enjoyable things about being and interior designer.

Check out their website for a feast of products.............

Asian Red Chest wth Sculptor

Monday, August 6, 2012

I Love this Landscaping!

We all know water is becoming a precious commodity.  If  you're in the desert you can see how they've been landscaping there for years.  Shady Caynon in Irvine doesn't allow lawns in the front yards in some neighborhoods.  So, succelents and cati are fast becoming the landscaping of choice.

Driving through a well established neighborhood in Costa Mesa recently, I saw an entire front yard beautifully landscaped with a wide variety of low and tall succelents and catus.  They also made a sitting area with desert sand and gravel as the base for patio furniture instead of concrete - it was lovely!

Below are a few examples of how you can use water resistant plants to save on water and change the look of your garden.  The other perk is that most of these plants don't require as much trimming and maintenance.  Be creative and think about "desert" landscaping before you go to the nursery next time.

Patio Furniture within the Garden

Mix Colors and Textures of Succelents