Monday, November 19, 2012

Flooring: Natural vs. Synthetic

There are various thoughts on specifying a natural wood or synthetic product for your flooring.

Some characteristics of a natural product:
  • One of a kind colorants & textures
  • Unique finish
  • Can be customized, color, finish & texture
  • More character
  • More richness
Some characteristics of a synthetic product:
  • Can be more affordable, depending on the product
  • May be more readily available
  • Longer life
  • Less maintenance
Most of my clients want a unique, rich wood floor with its' own character.  Who doesn't?  What I remind them is that after the initial excitement of getting their new custom floor - there is the maintenance issue.  Natural wood floors are beautiful, BUT they do require much more frequent maintenance.  So, depending on the lifestyle of my clients, I ask them if they are willing to maintain these floors to keep them looking like they are intended to.

It's like selecting very light colored carpeting.  Are you willing to spend the money on having it cleaned a minimum of once a year?  Some people are and that works for them.

Bottom line...........ask yourself what the traffic usage is where you want wood flooring.  Get comparisons of the cost of the natural and synthetic products like Pergo or Amitico you are considering, then make your decision.  Remember, the cost of installation may be about the same and sometimes there is not a huge difference in the initial overall cost.  The difference is in the life cost of maintenance.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Collections are Cool

I had an enjoyable day last week visiting the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana.  My main reason for visiting was to view their collection of California Plein Air paintings, but two other visiting exhibits were equally wonderful.  If you have the chance, take an afternoon and go see the Faberge jewelry and accessories created for the Russian Tsars.  The other exhibit which was a real treat was Madeleine Albrights', former Secretary of State, pin collection.  She was known for wearing a pin to represent the mood or conditions at the moment of her official visits with dignitaries. 

People love to collect things.  I have never been a collector of anything until a few years ago.  I started collecting small boxes I can display throughout my home.  It's fun because whenever I look at them, I'm reminded of past trips, museums or events I've attended.  My only criteria is that they are small and unique.  Collections can be display in creative ways and give a very personal touch to your interior. 

What do  you love?  Think about collecting it - and then how to display it.

One of several trays of my boxes