Monday, September 24, 2012

Accessories Accessories !

In my last blog I talked about important things to get a home ready for sale.  One of the easiest things you can do is de-clutter, taking away minor tchotchkes that don't mean anything to a potential buyer.

Later today I am photographing  my latest design project and one of the critical things I have to do is "stage" each shot / room.  This means looking into the camera and placing each accessory in it's proper place to enhance the view of the space.

In staging homes, we also do this, but in another sense.  Buyers should be able to walk through a home and be able to move around without being distracted by the current owners furnishings.
Show off your home - not your furnishings, especially those accessories or tchotchkes that are sentimental only to you!

At the other end of the spectrum, I had clients several years ago who spent a fair sum on remodeling and new furniture.  They were very happy with the results, but lacked the forth sight to let me incorporate  a few key accessories that would have enhanced their new remodel.  When I say "key" I mean just that - a few important accessories that add that finishing touch, not distract attention from the whole house.

We are all different, some like less, some like more "stuff" around, but when it comes to resale, it is better to have a home under furnished and let potential buyers see the property, not the furnishings.

Tchotchkes that add interest to a simple mantel!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Getting Your House Ready for Sale

There has been a lot of talk about this subject in the last few years  - as well as a cottage industry evolved.  Real estate staging is here! As I am now in the group who is getting my home ready for the real estate market, I'll share some of the suggestions my realtor gave to me.  The last one is one I had never thought about - but makes good sense. 

  • Scrub every nook and cranny of your house.  Houses that are stunningly clean and smell fresh SELL!
  • If you want the most bang for your buck, if you don't have a lot of time or money, have the house painted inside about a month before it goes on the market.  Light colored, boring beige or cream, all the same color, unless you have a really good eye for color and can design something up to date, contemporary that will appeal to the "average" buyer.
  • Declutter.  The house should be slightly UNDER furnished, so as the buyers walk through they get a feeling that it's easy to move around without bumping into things.  This includes the garage! 
  • The little things - fix them!  It all costs a little but it doesn't give a buyer the impression that the house "needs work".  A buyer will knock off $2000. in his mind for every $500. that actually needs spending.
  • Once you start preparing, stop thinking of it as YOUR house........start thinking about how to present it for sale.  Most people get irritated at the inconvenience of preparing and maintain their house in selling condition...... and that COSTS THEM MONEY.
In my next blog I will elaborate on the declutter process and how to decide what accessories to keep out, and which ones to give or put away.