Even in this recession, I find a lot of upgrading in homes and offices today, people want to love the environment where they live and work.
Being an Orange County interior designer for over 25 years, this is one of the best pieces of advice I can give my prospective and current clients. Before hiring any contracotr, go to the state of California's License Board's web site. Here is where you can check out the contractors you are considering hiring. You can check to see if they are licensed or not, or if their license is expired, and if there are any compliants filed against them.
This web site has over 60 licensing classifications. Go to
http://www.cslb.ca.gov/ and click on the "Consumers" tab. In the upper left hand corner (this can change over time) look at the "Quicks Hits" areas and click on "Check a license on His Registration". This will take you to an area to input a license number. If you don't know a contractor's license number, look on the right hand side and there are links to check by their name or company name.
I also recommend you read the valuable information on how much money a consumer is required by law to put down as a deposit. There is also a lot of other good information provided on the site worth reading. You should also ask for insurance information from your contractor, as the information on this site may not be updated on a very frequent basis, but most likely it's your best resource.
If a contractor does not provide you with adequate insurance information or creditials, keep looking for another one. Today, with most ethical contractors trying to keep their businesses going, they should be happy to give you this information. Most people probably never think to ask, but just do it: you have the right and just getting a recommendation from someone, is not enough to ensure you will have a successful outcome on your project.
Please contact me if you have any questions or need any help in finding a good contractor. Good luck and do your homework!
Julie K. Paille
Certified Inteiror Designer # 2523
(949) 858-3611